It's March!

It's been awhile since I've posted here, but not for lack of projects, ideas, or posts. We've been doing tons of decluttering, reorganizing, selling on eBay, and house projects. We are finally working on redoing our bedroom including painting, some new furniture, and hopefully some cute DIY projects. I am hoping to do a before and after post complete with our budget breakdown.

I finished a quilted blanket for a raffle at our church. My mom pieced the top and I finished it. My mother in law won it, which was kind of fun. :) We've been adding lots of cute stuff to the shop including some spring and Easter items.

We also managed to sneak in a quick overnight to visit family - and two of us have had yucky coughs/colds.

I also have to share and say thank you for a couple of neat things I received last week. First up is a beautiful Bible cover from Anita. It fits my Bible perfectly, thank you! I also received my PIF from Hollie at the Undercover Crafter. I don't have a photo yet, but it is a beautiful infinity scarf made from Amy Butler's Martini Dot fabric in aqua and robin's egg blue. I love scarves, so thank you! If you would like me to make you a pay it forward gift, please leave me a comment or send an email. :)

We are in the middle of our fabric buying hiatus for Lent. I haven't been getting a chance to sew and work through my stash as much as I'd like, but I have patterns purchased to make my daughter an Easter dress and a skirt for me, so hopefully I'll have progress to show soon.

Finally, I have a winner for our Feb. giveaway of Lisette patterns. Our winner is SpiffyScents! Congrats!

Have a great weekend!
