Sorry for the long post title! I have been doing a little crafting lately and have been trying to repurpose existing items (inspired by Simple Mom's 40 Tips to Go Green at Home #30).
A week or two ago, I saw a tutorial about how to make baby food jar pincushions. I decided to make a few; one for me and some for Mother's Day presents. These were very simple, a lot of fun, and required few supplies.
Last week, I loved the Frugal Friday Mr. Linky party at the Shabby Nest. There were so many fabulous, inexpensive decorating ideas! I really liked the inexpensive craft room storage at Pajama Mama - the cereal box magazine holders, especially. Then, Rhoda decoupaged some cardboard magazine holders in her post. I decided to combine the two and create magazine holders out of cereal boxes and then decoupage them.
Here is the finished product. Perfect? No. I am learning as I go! But, I definitely think they turned out cute! My mom will probably be getting a couple of these for Mother's Day...she loves to save magazines and other items.
What have you been making lately?
A week or two ago, I saw a tutorial about how to make baby food jar pincushions. I decided to make a few; one for me and some for Mother's Day presents. These were very simple, a lot of fun, and required few supplies.

What have you been making lately?