31 Days of Seeking Simplicity: Use What You Have

I like popcorn, and since it is a fairly healthy snack, I eat it quite a bit. Several years ago, my grandmother bought me an air popper. This air popper has withstood weekly use for several years. A few weeks ago, it stopped working and we had to get rid of it.

Instead of automatically getting a new one, I went online and tracked down a way to pop popcorn in the pan - you know, the old fashioned way. ;) It is fairly easy (especially because my hubby makes it for me) and delicious. 

I still think I'd like a new air popper, but I am hoping to "use what we have" until my birthday or Christmas when I'm hoping I will get a new one.

I have been trying to employ the "use what you have" philosophy for clothing as well lately, but that will be a separate post coming soon.

How often do you "use what you have" instead of going out and buying something new?


Lindsay said…
Oh, I "make do" all the time! I do have an air popper- I got it for $1.50 at a yard sale about 10 years ago- but the absolute BEST way to make popcorn is over a campfire! They make special popcorn cookers, but if you want to "use what you have" you can put foil over a skillet and leave a (small) hole for air to escape.
Well...I have a difficult time finding new clothes that I like, due to "body shape" issues, and the way styles are changing...so last week I shopped in my closet, and found two outfits suitable for work. Not very exciting, but good for the budget!

Oh...and I recently found a darling scarf at a thrift shop for under $2, and I bravely wore it yesterday. I am not so confident with scarves, but I took the plunge!
Anonymous said…
I made popcorn in a pan the first time this year. We were gifted a popcorn set with cheeses and I don't have an air popper. We actually like it a lot. =)

I need to use what I have in the 'fabric' department. That is something that's always in my mind...buying fabric and crafting things can be addictive. =)