31 Days of Seeking Simplicity: Making Changes

My apologies for missing another day of posting! I obviously haven't posted every day this month, but I have been posting with much more regularity, so in the spirit of the simplicity I am seeking this month, I won't worry too much about the days I've missed. :)

This fall is quite different than in years past for us as it is my daughter's first year of preschool. I taught her at home the past 2 years, but she really wanted to go to preschool this year and so she attends 2 mornings a week. My plan was that I have school with her at home as well to supplement. She turns 5 in a couple of weeks, so I wanted to work on some Kindergarten skills with her. (I originally went to school to be an elementary teacher and taught for 5 years before having my daughter.)

I cannot get into a good routine with teaching her at home this fall. I am hitting some of the skills and activities that I want to, but not nearly to the extent that I had planned. After talking to my husband this evening, I am working on a simplified lesson plan form. Instead of trying to cover subjects for a specific amount of time, I am hoping to work on 4 lessons each week. This is in addition to the read alouds and other things we already do like cooking, crafting, etc. 

Right now, I would like to do one math lesson, one reading comprehension lesson, one phonics or writing lesson, and one science or social studies lesson per week. This covers the core subjects pretty well and supplements what she is learning in preschool.

This week is our first week on this plan and I hope it will be simpler and more realistic for us! Any routines you have needed to tweak lately? Did it help things in household to run more smoothly?


Lindsay said…
We had to tweak our room cleaning assignments for the kids- they rotated to make things a bit more fair and to make them more aware of the messes they are making. I need to do SOMETHING about my daughters' bedroom, though. It is hard to see messes all day while they are at school and resist picking things up because it is their responsibility!