31 Days of Seeking Simplicity: Choosing to Stay Home

Well, I missed a day yesterday, oops! :)

Yesterday, I had a few places I wanted to run, but they weren't really necessities. I wanted to get a few mums for the front of the house and I had a couple of things to drop off. My daughter really likes to stay home some afternoons, so that is what we did. We stayed home and had some school - we read a few books and did a tie in activity with one of them, then read through her Clifford fire safety lesson for October. We also did a bit of math, and then she had fun playing with her toys.

Choosing to stay home made the rest of the day a bit calmer and I felt more peaceful. I need to recognize unnecessary errands and cross them off my list.


Lindsay said…
That sounds like a nice afternoon! I am so glad that you were able to spend some extra, relaxed time with your daughter.