31 Days of 31 Minutes - Day 3: Morning Routine

Well, Sunday's 31 minutes was probably actually more than 31 minutes. :) Which is not a bad thing...the extra time today was spent picking apples after church with some friends and family and working a bit more on sewing my scrappy quilted table topper.

Monday has arrived and for me, weekdays are definitely a challenge for me. Mornings specifically are an area I'd like to work on. I think I have a good morning routine: Bible reading, email checking, blog reading, laundry started, breakfast, clean up, and getting us dressed. There are two main problems with my routine: I don't start early enough and I have been having a terrible time picking what to wear in the morning.

I am going to try and make over my morning routine a bit. I am starting small in the hope that the new habits will stick.

First, my alarm goes off in plenty of time and I wake up just fine, but I don't actually get out of bed quickly - at all. So, habit #1 is get up and out of bed 15 minutes earlier. I'm hoping I can get a start on some reading and chores before my husband leaves for work and my girl is up and ready for breakfast.

Second, I am going to try and pick out my clothes the night before. I don't know why, but I have been totally revamping my wardrobe. I know part of it is the change of seasons, but I have been getting rid of things, pinning inspiration on a style Pinterest board, and reworking clothing combinations. What this also means is that I change my clothes 3 and 4 times in the morning - can we say time waster? So. Outfit is to be picked ahead of time.

We will see if I can stick with these changes this week! I am hoping these tweaks will result in being able to find at least a few extra minutes each weekday.

Did you find time to do something special today? Any morning routine tips? Leave me a comment!


Melanie said…
Great ideas!!! Love your series topic!

I blog at "Only a Breath" and would love for you to stop by if you have time! I'm writing about "31 Days to Love Your Neighbor". It has been a very interesting journey to say the least! :)

Have a great day!
Anonymous said…
Hi Carly,

This is my struggle too - what to wear. Ugh! I have to get up before the kids or I feel behind no matter what the clock says, you know what I mean? Mondays are also the hardest for us and I just posted on what helps us through those "Morning Breath" Mondays - I go to the library each weekend and find new-to-us devotionals, short stories, comics (go Calvin & Hobbes) and put them at the breakfast table - the kids love it. It is a habit I hope they will cherish the rest of their life.

xoxo michele