31 Days of 31 Minutes - Day 16: Catching Up

source: Our Little Monkeys

I am still playing catch up with this 31 days series - and that is how I spent Day 16 as well. I spent it catching up on things around the house! My 31 minutes on Day 16 was spent prepping for our homeschool week. My daughter is almost 4 (less than a month away!) and instead of sending her to preschool this year, I decided to teach her at home.

My undergraduate degree is in teaching and after spending last year teaching her (informally) at home, I knew I wanted to try it this year. I just love teaching and am so grateful to be able to do this with her, even if it is only for this year. (We are still deciding about our future schooling options.)

We officially have school 2 mornings a week with various activities worked in throughout the week. I have a variety of planning sources I like to use and I organize a lot of my ideas on my Pinterest boards. I decided to do nocturnal animals as our theme this week. I usually pick a general theme for the week and use that to work our science, social studies, and math activities around. I also have been reviewing two letters and sounds per week in the hope of being ready to teach some different phonics skills after Christmas. I am using quite a bit of this wonderful Owl Tot Pack this week.

OK - almost caught up - hoping to finish up a few more posts tonight and to stay on track for the rest of the month. Thanks for reading along!!
