First Time With a Hammer

Yes, it's true. I've never really done any home improvement work with a hammer. I've always waited around for my hubby to do it for me. He's great about it, but I decided that I'm 30 (!) and need to learn how to do this myself.

Last week, I decided I would try hanging some Shabby Chic "Dream" letters in our daughter's room. I purchased these letters several months ago at Target for 75% off - $7.50! I was excited to try this project, but I definitely needed help.

My mom assisted for the first three letters - teaching me how to remove a nail hammered incorrectly, keeping a 21 month old away from the hammer, etc. The "M" was by far the hardest letter. There are lots of wrong holes behind that one! I did the "D" and "R" last and those were much easier.

I'm excited that I tried something new and discovered that it's OK not to get it right the first time. I think that was one of my fears that I would "mess it up" too badly. My husband was really sweet, sharing with me all of the mistakes he's made hanging various things on the walls at our home.

I love the way these look in her room! What project are you taking on at your home?
For more DIY projects, check out A Soft Place to Land!


Annie said…
Good job, Carly. The letters are beautiful.

At this time I'm just de-cluttered some things around the house and soon start painting my house.

What else you are going to do? Something in mind?
Heidi said…
Way to go! You should be so proud of yourself for wielding that hammer so well! Looks very sweet.
bj said…
Well, good for you, Carly. I love your dream letters.
Wanted to mention that I, too, hung some letters in a granddaughter's room. Took me forever to get the little hangers on, then get them straight as I hung them....THEN...I discovered
2 WAY STICKY TAPE. If your letters (or whatever you are hanging) are light weight, this 2 way tape is AWESOME!!!
Come by and see my poor, pitiful dining room that's being re-done for a fall project...
xo bj
Vanessa said…
Great job! They look darling.

I know my sweet hubby wishes I didn't know where the hammer was sometimes because I am not afraid to use it.
Let it Shine said…
They look great! You did a very good job.
Great job! It looks super, and now you know you can do it.