Change is in the air...

This is not one of my typical posts, but since this is on my mind right now, I thought I'd write about it! Fall always has been a season of transition for me. When I was a teacher, this was the time of year that I would be returning to school and getting used to a new schedule and set of students. While I'm no longer teaching, I still feel this transition every fall.

On the home front, we've been spending a lot of time thinking about whether to buy a new house or add on to our 1000 sq. ft. home. After much deliberation, (I'm talking months...I don't make decisions lightly!) we have decided to stay where we are and have hired a contractor to add on a second full bathroom, making our room a master "suite" ... as much as a 12x12 room can be a suite! We are looking forward to the second bathroom and walk-in closet, and are trying to make decisions about all of the items needed for the bathroom. I want to find quality items that are priced reasonably, so we are becoming regular visitors to the home improvement stores in the area. Any tips or tricks for staying within a budget on this project? I'd love your input!

This week, I was also asked to become our church's choir director as part of a job share position. This happened really quickly, so the latter part of the week was spent selecting music, hashing out responsibilities, and sprucing up the choir area at church. I will try to get a picture of the bulletin board and framed verses I put together...the power of a bit of fabric, a hot glue gun, and some ribbon! This position is a big leap of faith for me. I don't have any formal training as a director, though I do have a lot of music background.

My husband also job shares the church organist position, so we are trying to figure out the logistics of who will take care of our little one during service. We do have a nursery, but there are so few little kids at church, it is not regularly staffed. In this area, I am feeling called to try to begin a preschool "class" down in the nursery. Once a month (to start), I would organize activities around a Bible story. Do you have any free curriculum to recommend? This would only be for 2 children to start, with the possibility of others being added in the future. Do any of you go to really small churches with only a few children? Do you offer classes for those that are there?

So...change is in the air! What changes are going on in your life? Drop me a line - I'd love to pray for you during these changes and would appreciate the same for me!


Annie said…
Yes, changes is in the air. We want to do a lot of things at our house but, we have one income so, we need to wait.

I'm glad you start the renovations. I think when we start a family have to do a lots of changes at home because we need a lot of space (specially when we have kids).

Have a nice week.