Tot School

Tot School "A" is 18 months old.

I really enjoy the blog 1+1+1=1 as well as Carisa's other blogs, Totally Tots, and Raising My Lil' Ladybug. I especially like reading all of the Tot School posts and seeing what everyone else is doing.

Since my daughter turned 1, I have been trying to incorporate some Tot School activities, but have been feeling bad about my efforts. As a teacher, I have been putting some pressure on myself to "formalize" curriculum for my daughter (who is 18 months), but I don't think it needs to be a precise as when I was teaching older students.

I know that little ones are learning so much every day, through all of our interactions and activities with them. I am going to try and record some of the books and activities that we do each week, mostly as a way for me to look back and see how much we really do each week!

Books We're Reading:
Signs We're Learning/Using: (These are some of the new ones she is doing. She has several other signs she has been using for a few months.)
  • Library
  • Kitty
  • Rabbit
  • Daddy (All of a sudden she is using this one!)
  • Please
  • Mail
  • Naming animals/sounds on her farm See 'n Say
  • Helping put items, especially fruits in the cart at the grocery store
  • Sweeping the front porch
  • Visiting the animals at a local barn
  • Coloring with crayons
  • Shaking a single-serve milk jug filled with sprinkles (I heard this idea at a summer reading workshop. The best part of the sprinkles is that they are harmless to little ones if they were to eat some! They also make a really nice sound.)
  • Playing computer games at Kneebouncers
  • Writing with chalk on our chalkboard easel ($10 at Pat Catan's! The other side is magnetic, also.)
  • Using alphabet magnets on the dishwasher (Purchased the letters for $2 at a garage sale!)

Sorry for the lack of pictures! I am not in the habit of taking them, plus our camera is not working right now, so hopefully we'll have more pictures in the near future!

Visit 1+1+1=1 for more Tot School ideas!


ami said…
All those books and songs are great! :-) Good for you and your little one! :)
Michelle Gibson said…
That is great that you sign! I quit signing when they learn to talk, but they still sign long after. I love that you sign more than the "basics." Great job!
Ticia said…
I understand the push to try to be more "formal" being a former teacher too. A site you might want to try is It's got a lot of great materials for preschoolers and it's a FREE curriculum.
Some of the books you mention were my daughter's favorites when she was that age. But don't worry about any formal curriculum yet - young children learn best through play, and it seems that you have enough in your house.